Administrative Record/Public Information Repository

The Administrative Record/Public Information Repository (AR/PIR) contains the collection of documents and information that is considered or relied upon to arrive at a final decision for remedial action or hazardous waste management.   

Documents become part of an administrative record file in two ways:

  • The information has been designated as an administrative record document by the Tri-Party Agreement 
  • A Tri-Party Agreement agency has identified the document for inclusion in the Administrative Record system.

Contact us for help retrieving administrative record files.  Browse other resources for other sources of Hanford Site cleanup and permitting information.

About Hanford

Cleanup of the Hanford Site is overseen by two Department of Energy Offices, the Richland Operations Office (RL) and the Office of River Protection (ORP). The offices have a combined federal staff of about 400 employees. The work largely involves contract oversight and safety and compliance-related work….  (more)

Public Involvement Opportunities

List of documents managed by DOE that are available for public comment.

Tri-Party Agreement

Full text of the Hanford Federal Facility Agreement and Consent Order, access to approved TPA changes and more.

Hanford Facility Resource Conservation and Recovery Act Permit Revision 8C

The Washington State Department of Ecology’s website housing the Dangerous Waste Portion of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act Permit for the Treatment, Storage, and Disposal of Dangerous Waste.

Hanford Events Calendar

Calendar of Hanford public involvement opportunities and Hanford Advisory Board events.

Hanford News Room

Hanford Site press releases, photo galleries, media contacts and more.