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Treatment, Storage, and Disposal Unit Count
S-2-4 Single-Shell Tanks 5741
S-2-3 Double-Shell Tanks 2381
H-0-8 Waste Treatment and Immobilization Plant 2169
D-2-9 Low-Level Burial Grounds 1401
TS-2-5 Hanford Waste Vitrification Plant (Future) 1260
S-2-8 Liquid Effluent Retention Facility 997
T-2-8 200 Effluent Treatment Facility 833
TS-2-4 Central Waste Complex/Waste Receiving and Processing Facility 741
T-1-4 183-H Solar Evaporation Basins 714
T-2-6 242-A Evaporator 711
H-0-1 Hanford Sitewide Permit 694
D-2-5 216-B-3 Pond System 660
D-1-2 1301-N/1325-N Liquid Waste Disposal Facility 540
D-2-3 216-A-29 Ditch 511
TD-2-1 Grout 500
T-2-9 Plutonium Finishing Plant 458
D-6-1 600 Area Nonradioactive Dangerous Waste Landfill 454
TS-2-7 Contact Handled Transuranic Mixed Waste 445
D-3-1 300 Area Process Trenches 435
D-2-11 Integrated Disposal Facility (Formerly ILAW) 409
D-2-7 216-S-10 Pond and Ditch 407
T-3-4 325 Waste Treatment Facility 404
TS-2-1 222-S Laboratories Treatment Tanks and Storage Building 403
T-1-2 1324-N/1324-NA Liquid Waste Facilities 394
D-2-6 216-B-63 Trench 389
TS-2-6 PUREX Plant 354
D-2-10 216-A-37-1 Crib 352
H-0-9 Air Operating Permit 327
TS-2-3 B Plant 324
D-2-4 216-A-36B Crib 323
S-2-10 Waste Encapsulation Storage Facility 300
S-3-2 305-B Storage Facility 262
S-6-1 616 Nonradioactive Dangerous Waste Storage Facility 227
S-3-4 324 Radiochemical Engineering Cells/High-Level Vault 223
TS-2-8 Low-Activity Waste Pretreatment System 204
S-2-1 PUREX Storage Tunnels 188
D-1-1 100-D Ponds 176
S-3-1 303-K Contaminated Waste Storage Facility 175
T-3-1 300 Area Solvent Evaporator 164
TS-3-1 300 Area Waste Acid Treatment System/311 Tanks 147
S-2-5 2727-S Nonradioactive Dangerous Waste Storage Facility 146
TS-2-2 Hexone Storage and Treatment Facility 144
D-2-1 2101-M Pond 138
TS-3-2 304 Concretion Facility and Storage Area 133
T-1-1 105-DR Large Sodium Fire Facility 130
S-4-2 400 Area Waste Management Unit 126
S-2-9 241-CX Tank System 101
D-2-8 216-U-12 Crib 98
S-2-7 207-A South Retention Basin 95
T-2-5 241-Z Treatment Tank 95
TS-6-1 600 Area Purge Water Storage and Treatment Facility 94
TS-3-4 Simulated High-Level Waste Slurry Treatment and Storage 92
S-4-1 4843 FFTF Sodium Storage Facility 90
T-2-7 T-Plant Treatment Tank 90
S-2-2 224-T Transuranic Waste Storage and Assay Facility 86
T-2-1 218-E-8 Borrow Pit Demolition Site 86
TS-1-1 Waste Water Pilot Plant Research, Development, and Demonstration 82
T-2-2 200-W Ash Pit Demolition Site 81
T-2-4 221-T Test Facility 76
TS-3-3 3718-F Alkali Metal Treatment and Storage Facility 73
T-11-1 1100 Area Hanford Patrol Academy Demolition Area 70
D-2-2 216-A-10 Crib 68
T-2-3 204-AR Waste Unloading Station 68
T-3-2 303-M Uranium Oxide Facility 52
T-X-3 Thermal Treatment Test Facilities 52
T-X-2 Physical and Chemical Treatment Test Facilities 51
T-X-1 Biological Treatment Test Facilities 50
T-1-3 1706-KE Waste Treatment Facility 45
S-2-12 Capsule Interim Storage 40
H-0-20 Bulk Vitrification and Demonstration Facility 35
S-3-5 331-C Storage Unit 31
T-3-3 324 Sodium Removal Pilot Plant 25
S-2-11 Immobilized High-Level Waste Interim Storage Unit 24
S-3-3 332 Storage Facility 18
TS-4-1 Sodium Storage Facility and Sodium Reaction Facility 16
S-2-5 2727-S Nonradioactive Dangerous Waste Storage Facility 11
S-2-6 2727-WA Sodium Reactor Experiment Sodium Storage Building 10
T-4-1 437 Area Maintenance and Storage Facility 6
TS-2-8 Low-Activity Waste Pretreatment System 3
TS-2-3 2
S-2-3 Double-Shell Tanks 1
S-2-4 Single-Shell Tanks 1
Waste Treatment and Immobilization Plant 1
H-0-1 1
H-0-10 SNF (100-KR-2) 1
H-0-11 Groundwater Vadose 1
H-0-14 M-32 Milestone 1
H-0-16 1
H-0-4 Milestone 17 - Liquid Effluent 1
H-0-5 TWRS Environmental Impact Statement 1
H-0-7 300 Area Projects 1
H-0-8 1
H-0-8 Waste Treatment Plant 1
S-2-10 Waste Encapsulation and Storage Facility 1
S-2-12 1
TS-2-5 Hanford Waste Vitrification Plant (Future) TS-2-8 Low Activity Waste Pretreatment System D-2-11 Integrated Disposal Facility (Formerly ILAW) 1
TS-2-8 1