Search Results

36 Records Found

Record Name and Description

  1. Amended Record of Decision Decision Summary and Responsiveness Summary ERDF Benton County Washington

    Accession: D199122784
    Doc Number:
    Author: Clarke C, Hall J C, Wilson M A
    Doc Date: March 25, 1999
  2. USDOE Hanford 300 Area 300-FF-1 OU Hanford Site Benton County, Washington Explanation of Significant Difference

    Accession: D8225289
    Doc Number:
    Author: Clarke C, Boston H L, Wilson M A
    Doc Date: January 29, 2000
  3. Interim Remedial Action Declaration of Record of Decision for USDOE 100 Area 100-NR-1 OU Hanford Site Benton County, Washington

    Accession: D8224996
    Doc Number: EPA/ROD/R10-00/120
    Author: Clarke C, Klein K A, Wilson M A
    Doc Date: January 19, 2000
  4. Agreement on Principal Regulatory Commitments Pertaining to Hanford Tank Waste Treatment Complex Construction and Operations

    Accession: D199159364
    Doc Number:
    Author: Clarke C, Klein K A, French R T, Fitzsimmons T
    Doc Date: November 15, 1999
  5. Interim Action Record of Decision 100 Area Remaining Sites 100-BC-1 100-BC-2 100-DR-1 100-DR-2 100-FR-1 100-FR-2 100-HR-1 100-HR-2 100-KR-1 100-KR-2 100-IU-2 100-IU-6 and 200-CW-3 OU Hanford Site Benton County, Washington

    Accession: D199153689
    Doc Number: EPA/ROD/R10-99/039
    Author: Clarke C, Klein K, Wilson M
    Doc Date: July 15, 1999
  6. Declaration of Record of Decision for 100-KR-2 OU USDOE Hanford

    Accession: D199158532
    Doc Number: EPA/ROD/R10-99/059
    Author: Clarke C, Klein K, Wilson M A
    Doc Date: September 22, 1999
  7. Extension for Completion of Negotiation on Commitments for Solid Waste and Materials

    Accession: D196083664
    Doc Number:
    Author: Clarke C, Wagoner J D, Riveland M
    Doc Date: April 01, 1996
  8. Declaration of the Record of Decision for 100-HR-3 and 100-KR-4 Operable Unit USDOE Hanford 100 Area

    Accession: D196097243
    Doc Number: EPA/ROD/R10-96/134
    Author: Clarke C, Wagoner J D, Wilson M A
    Doc Date: April 01, 1996
  9. TPA Extension of Period for Issuance of Final Determinations Agreement on Principal Regulatory Commitments Pertaining to Hanford Tank Waste Treatment Complex Construction and Operations

    Accession: D8243524
    Doc Number:
    Author: Clarke C, Klein K A, French R T, Fitzsimmons T
    Doc Date: February 14, 2000
  10. Declaration of Record of Decision for 100-BC-1 100-DR-1 and 100-HR-1 OU USDOE Hanford 100 Area

    Accession: D195066674
    Doc Number:
    Author: Clarke C, Wagoner J D, Wilson M A
    Doc Date: September 28, 1995