Search Results

179 Records Found

Record Name and Description

  1. Remedial Investigation for the 100-KR-1, 100-KR-2, 100-KR-4 Operable Units, DOE/RL-2010-97 Draft B

    Accession: AR-01221
    Doc Number: 19-SGD-0022
    Revision: N/A
    Author: Hamel W F
    Doc Date: May 01, 2019
  2. Meeting Minutes IAMIT January 28 2003

    Accession: D0997104
    Doc Number:
    Author: Rasmussen J E, Ballard W W
    Doc Date: January 28, 2003
  3. Meeting Minutes TPA Milestone Review Meeting Inter Agency Management Integration Team (IAMIT) November 15, 1995

    Accession: D196006006
    Doc Number:
    Author: McClain L K
    Doc Date: December 20, 1995
  4. Meeting Minutes TPA Milestone Review Meeting February 27 1996

    Accession: D196083630
    Doc Number:
    Author: McClain L
    Doc Date: March 26, 1996
  5. Distribution of Approved Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study (RI/FS) Work Plans for the 100-FR-3 and 100-KR-4 Operable Unit (OU)

    Accession: D196116810
    Doc Number: 9207489,93-ERB-029
    Author: Wisness S H
    Doc Date: November 03, 1992
  6. Meeting Minutes TPA Milestone Review Meeting January 22, 1991

    Accession: D199055312
    Doc Number:
    Author: Wisness S H
    Doc Date: February 19, 1992
  7. Federal Facility Agreement and Consent Order Change Control Form M-15-00 Modification 1994 Refocusing Negotiations

    Accession: D196021423
    Doc Number: M-15-94-09
    Author: N/A
    Doc Date: May 09, 1995
  8. Extend Due Date of Interim Milestone M-015-96 in TPA Action Plan Appendix D

    Accession: 0065291H
    Doc Number: M-15-18-02
    Author: Smith A K, Franco J R
    Doc Date: April 09, 2018
  9. Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study Work Plan for 100-KR-4 OU, Draft D

    Accession: D196088454
    Doc Number: 9200558
    Author: Einan D R
    Doc Date: February 03, 1992
  10. Review of Draft Remedial Investigation/ Feasibility Study Work Plan for 100-FR-3 OU, November, 1991

    Accession: D196088461
    Doc Number: 9200554
    Author: Faulk D A
    Doc Date: January 30, 1992