Search Results

12 Records Found

Record Name and Description

  1. Federal Facility Agreement and Consent Order Change Control Form Revise Interim Milestone M-17-14 and M-17-29 to Allow Delayed Operation of 200 Area ETF Implementation of BAT AKART

    Accession: D196029351
    Doc Number: M-17-95-03
    Author: N/A
    Doc Date: March 24, 1995
  2. Resolution of Dispute Regarding Completion of TPA Milestones M-17-00A M-17-14 and M-17-29

    Accession: D196012010
    Doc Number: 95-PCA-344
    Author: Thompson K M
    Doc Date: June 09, 1995
  3. Project C-018H Acceptance Test Discharge to the State-Approved Land Disposal Site

    Accession: D196046541
    Doc Number: 95-PCA-101
    Author: Rasmussen J E
    Doc Date: December 20, 1994
  4. Federal Facility Agreement and Consent Order Change Control Form Revise LERF M-26-03 and M-26-04 Pending Decision Regarding Future Uses of LERF

    Accession: D196046533
    Doc Number: M-26-94-01
    Author: N/A
    Doc Date: December 20, 1994
  5. Change Request M-17-95-02 Revise M-17-00A to Allow for Temporary Storage Pending Implementation of Bat Akart and Change Request M-17-95-03 Revise Interim Milestones M-17-14 and M-17-29 to Allow Delayed Operation of 200 Area ETF

    Accession: D295068049
    Doc Number: 95-PCA-260,9501870
    Author: Wagoner J D
    Doc Date: April 03, 1995
  6. Transmittal of TPA Change Control Form - 200 Area ETF

    Accession: D196074514
    Doc Number: 94-LWB-026,9403815
    Author: Hennig J M
    Doc Date: March 30, 1994
  7. Change Request M-26-94-01: "Revise LERF M-26-03 and M-26-04 Pending Decision Regarding Future Uses of LERF"

    Accession: D196046516
    Doc Number: 9407845,95-LWB-075
    Author: Wisness S H
    Doc Date: December 15, 1994
  8. Change Request M-17-95-02 Revises M-17-00A to Allow for Temporary Storage Pending Implementation of BAT/AKART and Change Request M-17-95-03 Revise Interim Milestones M-17-14 and M-17-29 to Allow Delayed Operation of 200 Area ETF

    Accession: D196031945
    Doc Number: 95-LEP-016,9501410
    Author: Wagoner J D
    Doc Date: March 13, 1995
  9. Return of Disapproved TPA Change Requests M-17-95-02 and M-17-95-03

    Accession: D196029348
    Doc Number:
    Author: Riveland M
    Doc Date: March 20, 1995
  10. Disapproved TPA Change Request M-17-95-02 and M-17-95-03

    Accession: D196029347
    Doc Number:
    Author: Morrison R D
    Doc Date: March 29, 1995