Search Results

22 Records Found

Record Name and Description

  1. Completion of TPA Interim Milestone M-024-57 To Initiate Negotiations Conclude Negotiations and Revise Groundwater Protection Monitoring and Remediation Well Installation Priority List and Complete CY 2007 Groundwater Well Installations

    Accession: DA06585854
    Doc Number: 08-AMCP-0081
    Author: Brockman D A
    Doc Date: January 18, 2008
  2. Completion of Groundwater Monitoring Wells Required By TPA Interim Milestone M-024-57 For CY 2004

    Accession: D7074687
    Doc Number: 05-AMCP-0126
    Author: McCormick M S
    Doc Date: January 12, 2005
  3. Public Notice Groundwater Well Drill Milestone Changes Public Comment September 29 To November 13 2003 M-024

    Accession: D3049225
    Doc Number:
    Author: N/A, N/A, N/A
    Doc Date: September 29, 2003
  4. Proposed TPA Modifications and Reference Documents For Overall Strategy and Approach For Groundwater Protection Monitoring and Remediation M-024

    Accession: D2789232
    Doc Number:
    Author: N/A, N/A, N/A
    Doc Date: September 24, 2003
  5. Groundwater Protection Monitoring and Remediation Well Installation Priority List for CY2004 - CY2007 and Modify Tri-Party Agreement Interim Milestone M-024-57

    Accession: 0064740H
    Doc Number: M-24-04-01
    Author: Hebdon J B, Wilson M A, Ceto N, Schepens R J
    Doc Date: July 14, 2004
  6. TPA Change Request M-24-06-01 Groundwater Protection Monitoring and Remediation Well Installation Priority List

    Accession: DA03226770
    Doc Number:
    Author: Hedges J A
    Doc Date: August 01, 2006
  7. Completion Of TPA Interim Milestone M-024-57 Annual Requirement DOE Will Initiate Discussions Annually In June Using DQO Process To Reaffirm Selected Wells and Recommend Any New Well Installations Needed To Maintain Three Year Rolling Prioritized

    Accession: DA01879604
    Doc Number: 06-AMCP-0109
    Author: McCormick M S
    Doc Date: February 01, 2006
  8. Borehole Summary Report For Well 299-211-45 C4948 200-ZP-1 OU

    Accession: DA03632565
    Doc Number: WMP-29683
    Author: Borghese J V
    Doc Date: August 28, 2006
  9. Agreement On Priority and Location of CY 2005 Through 2008 Groundwater Monitoring Wells Required By TPA Interim Milestone M-024-57

    Accession: DA283200
    Doc Number: 05-AMCP-0279
    Author: Klein K A
    Doc Date: June 10, 2005
  10. Federal Facility Agreement and Consent Order Change Control Form Groundwater Protection Monitoring and Remediation Well Installation Priority List for CY 2005 Through CY 2008 and Modifiy TPA Interim Milestone M-024-57

    Accession: DA527676
    Doc Number: M-24-05-01
    Author: Wilson M, McCormick M S, Ceto N
    Doc Date: June 28, 2005