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11 Records Found

Record Name and Description

  1. Meeting Minutes Unit Managers Meeting TWRS Double-Shell and Single-Shell Tank Milestones February 27 1997

    Accession: D197312509
    Doc Number:
    Author: Haass C
    Doc Date: October 16, 1997
  2. Letter Robert J Julian to George H Sanders Dated April 15 1998 Completion of TPA December 1997 Milestone M-90-01

    Accession: D198146389
    Doc Number:
    Author: Julian R J
    Doc Date: July 31, 1998
  3. Completion of TPA December 1997 Milestone M-90-01

    Accession: D198080254
    Doc Number:
    Author: Julian R J
    Doc Date: April 15, 1998
  4. Completion of Hanford Federal Facility Agreement and Consent Order (Tri-Party Agreement) December 1997 Milestone M-90-01, "Submit Interim Storage and Disposal Immobilized Low-Activity Waste (ILAW), and Interim Storage Immobilized High-Level Waste (IHLW) Project Management Plans (PMP) to the State of Washington Department of Ecology (Ecology)

    Accession: 0068916H
    Doc Number: 98-WDD-029
    Author: Sanders G H
    Doc Date: March 13, 1998
  5. Completion of Hanford Federal Facility Agreement and Consent Order (Tri-Party Agreement) December 1997 Milestone M-90-01, "Submit Interim Storage and Disposal Immobilized Low-Activity Waste (ILAW), and Interim Storage Immobilized High-Level Waste (IHLW) Project Management Plans (PMP) to Washington State Department of Ecology (Ecology)"

    Accession: 0068914H
    Doc Number: 97-WDD-190
    Author: Sanders G H
    Doc Date: December 22, 1997
  6. Contract Number DE-AC06-96RL13200 - Completion of Hanford Federal Facility Agreement and Consent Order (Tri-Party Agreement) M-90-01, "Submit Interim Storage and Disposal Immobilized Low-Activity Waste (ILAW), and Interim Storage Immobilized High-Level Waste (IHLW) Project Management Plans (PMP) to State of Washington Department of Ecology (Ecology)"

    Accession: 0068915H
    Doc Number: 98-WDD-014
    Author: Taylor W J
    Doc Date: January 30, 1998
  7. Meeting Minutes TPA Milestone Review Meeting October 29 1996

    Accession: D197147113
    Doc Number:
    Author: Hansen C A
    Doc Date: November 26, 1996
  8. River Protection Project Immobilized High-Level Waste Interim Storage Plan

    Accession: D8438341
    Doc Number: EDT630682,RPP-6969
    Revision: 000
    Author: Briggs M G, Calmus R B
    Doc Date: September 22, 2000
  9. River Protection Project Program Plans For Immobilized High-Level Waste Interim Storage and Immobilized Low Activity Waste Disposal

    Accession: D8945631
    Doc Number: 00-PRD-067
    Author: Clark C E
    Doc Date: October 24, 2000
  10. Dispute Resolution For Change Requests M-45-01-01 M-62-01-02 and M-90-01-01

    Accession: D8945793
    Doc Number: 01-ORP-092
    Author: Rasmussen J E
    Doc Date: June 18, 2001